For the
new rainbrurpg homepage, I would like to dynamically add the github's repositories status, for example the last commits.
With the gh3 library
gh3 library is a client-side javascript wrapper for the github V3 API. To use it, you will need to insert 3 javascript files :
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/underscore-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js//gh3.min.js"></script>
Then, you'll need to add an HTML code for your commit log :
<div id="commits">
And now, we'll dynamically fetch repository informations using gh3 and add it to the page using jquery :
var rain = new Gh3.User("rainbru")
rain.fetch(function (err, resUser){
if(err) {
throw "can't fetch github user ..."
var rpg = new Gh3.Repository("", rain);
rpg.fetch(function (err, res){
if(err) {
throw "can't fetch github repository ..."
console.log(rain, resUser);
// logs many informations but not the latest commits list
Since I can retrieve a lot of informations, getting the latest commits this way isn't easy so I'll try another way.
Using the github API
The github API is a bit simpler and returns
JSON objects. I will use
JQuery to retrieve repository's data. Remember a repository name is a
user/repository string :
var reponame = "rainbru/rainbrurpg"; // The user + repository part of the URL
var divid = "commits"; // The HTML div name we will add commits to
var url = "" + reponame + "/commits";
var div = "#"+ divid; // Get the div by id
if($(div).length == 0) {
throw("Can't find HTML element with '" + divid + "' ID");
// Print the latest 10 commits and print
// commit's date and message in console
$.get( url, function( data ) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Get the commit date
var date = new Date(data[i];
// Get the commit message
}).fail(function(qXHR, textStatus, error){
throw("Cannot get repository '" + url + "' : " + error);
We just printed each commit's details in the console but we have the #commits div element and it's pretty simple to print these details in a table.
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