How to fix the Unbound module Graphics in an ocaml project

From ~/pr/gitl/ocaml-gol In a constant effort to learn new programming languages, I'm currently trying to use ocaml , a free and open-source general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language maintained at the Inria . It's basically an extension of Caml with object-oriented features. I'm mostly interested by its functionnal and pattern matching features but the module part of the language can be a bit difficult to understand for someone with little to none ML (Meta Language) background.   The error When trying to use the graphics module to create a graphical window and go just a little further than the simplest helloworld program, here is the result : If the project uses dune : (executable (name ocaml_project) (libraries lwt.unix graphics) ) with this code : let () = Printf.printf "Hello, world!\n";; Lwt_io.printf "Hello, world!\n";; Graphics.open_graph " 800x600";; The first times I built this project running the du...

RainbruRPG switched to revision 251

RainbruRPG's revision 250 is over and the CEGUI part of the client is back.

The RainbruRPG's main menu

The main change in this revision is a dependency upgrade : the client now depends on CEGUI 0.8, not 0.7. That's a major dependency upgrade and unfortunately this version isn't available as official Debian package, so you have to manually build it.

CEGUI (Crazy Eddie's GUI) is a fully themable free and open source graphical user interface (GUI) library written in C++ licensed under GNU LGPL. It is used to draw the client's GUI using its Ogre3D backend.

On arch-based distributions, CEGUI can be found in the AUR and the package itself is the definition of dependency hell. For more informations on how to install packages from AUR, see the official documentation.

The next revision will have to handle GUI events from layout files and fix some segfaults, especially due to the OGRE configuration.

You can download this release here.

2022 update

RainbruRPG is no longer hosted at github so, links are dead. The project is now hosted at bitbucket. Also added a short CEGUI description with link to its homepage and its license.


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