How to fix the Unbound module Graphics in an ocaml project

From ~/pr/gitl/ocaml-gol In a constant effort to learn new programming languages, I'm currently trying to use ocaml , a free and open-source general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language maintained at the Inria . It's basically an extension of Caml with object-oriented features. I'm mostly interested by its functionnal and pattern matching features but the module part of the language can be a bit difficult to understand for someone with little to none ML (Meta Language) background.   The error When trying to use the graphics module to create a graphical window and go just a little further than the simplest helloworld program, here is the result : If the project uses dune : (executable (name ocaml_project) (libraries lwt.unix graphics) ) with this code : let () = Printf.printf "Hello, world!\n";; Lwt_io.printf "Hello, world!\n";; Graphics.open_graph " 800x600";; The first times I built this project running the du...

RainbruRPG's client is now in src/

Like in this previous post, today's commit #826 is also on source code reorganization. This time, the client source code was moved from the client/ subdirectory to the new src/ development tree.

A dolphin screenshot showing the content of rainbrurpg's src directory

Original news

This change includes C++ source code and  Ogre3D configuration files templates ( files) , used  by cmake to generate plugins.cfg and resources.cfg. The m4-based autotools  files were deleted while the remaining files, including TODO and ChangeLog, were moved to the OLD/client directory.

To make the whole project consistent, the last to-be-moved directory is services/.

2022 update

Article's links are now dead since RainbruRPG's now hosted at bitbucket.

To be complete, the current directories from src are :

  • client: the game client source code;
  • examples: some code example for the main project libraries;
  • logger: the logger library used both by client and server;
  • server: the so-called server;
  • services: a module handling library.


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